Kenyataan dalam BM: Saya pertahan kartun saya dalam Washington Post
Saya pertahan kartun saya dalam Washington Post Saya merujuk artikel yang disiar oleh The Star Online hari ini bertajuk “Local cartoonist Zunar slammed over Washington Post comic strip.” (Kartunis tempatan dihentam kerana kartun dalam Washington Post). Artikel ini adalah sebagai respon kepada kartun saya yang…
Statement in English: I defend my cartoon in Washington Post
I defend my cartoon in Washington Post I refer to The Star Online article on March 19 titled: “Local cartoonist Zunar slammed over Washington Post comic strip.” The article was a response to my cartoon and opinion published by Washington Post a day before, titled “Cartoon of…
To Fight Through Cartoon tour of Kentucky and Washington DC
To Fight Through Cartoon tour of Kentucky and Washington DC January and February 2014 A brief note by Zunar KENTUCKY January 22, Morning: I was a guest for local TV station’s morning show, “Great Day Live” in Kentucky. I was interviewed by Whas (ABC) TV…
Zunar selected by FIDH to provide sketch for Human Rights issue
Zunar is among 18 cartoonists around the globe being selected by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to provide sketches to illustrate their annual report oh human rights. In the report titled, “2013: Actions and Impacts”, Zunar picked Myanmar as a subject. Please view the online…
(ENG) Minority government fears satire
In any democratic country, political satire has always been an important part of the democratic process. Satirical works, be it cartoons, theatrical or video play an important role to channel dissent, to educate readers and to provide alternative information. For instance, hundreds of American political…
(BM) Video Teresa: Kerajaan minoriti takut satira
Dalam sesebuah negara demokrasi, satira politik telah sekian lama menjadi sebahagian dari proses amalan demokrasi yang sihat. Karya satira sama ada dalam bentuk kartun, teater atau video memainkan peranan penting dalam menyalurkan penentangan, mendidik pembaca dan menyediakan informasi alternatif. Sebagai contoh, ratusan kartunis politik Amerika mengkritik…
(BM) Mengumumkan “Berjuang Melalui Kartun” Jelajah Amerika
“Berjuang Melalui Kartun” Jelajah Amerika Saya dengan ini mengumumkan program “Berjuang Melalui Kartun” Jelajah Amerika bermula 22 Januari hingga 1 Februari 2014. Acara utama ialah di Kentucky. Saya akan memberi ucaptama di “Syarahan Tahunan mengenai Demokrasi Asia” di University of Louisville. Acara berlangsung pada 22…
(ENG) Announcement of “To Fight Through Cartoon” US tour
“To Fight Through Cartoon” US tour I hereby announce “To Fight Through Cartoon” in the U.S from January 22th to February 1st, 2014. The major event will be in Kentucky. I will be delivering a key speech at the Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy at…
Zunar will be speaking at the ANNUAL LECTURE ON ASIAN DEMOCRACY, University of Louisville, Kentucky
ENGLISH Zunar will be speaking at the ANNUAL LECTURE ON ASIAN DEMOCRACY, University of Louisville, Kentucky Zunar will be giving a keynote speech at the ANNUAL LECTURE ON ASIAN DEMOCRACY at the Center for Asian Democracy University of Louisville, Kentucky, United States. The event will take…
Buku kartun sebagai ‘hadiah’ kepada para hakim
28 Nov 2013: Zunar menghantar buku terbarunya, “Pirates of the Carry-BN” sebagai ‘hadiah’ kepada para hakim Mahkamah Rayuan yang mendengar kes beliau awal November lepas. Dia menghantar sendiri buku tersebut di kaunter pendaftaran Istana Kehakiman di Putrajaya pagi semalam. Beliau berharap hakim-hakim tersebut akan membaca…
Cartoon book as a ‘gift’ to Malaysian judges
28 Nov 2013: Zunar has sent his latest cartoon book, “Pirates of the Carry-BN” a special ‘gift’ to Court Appeal Judges who presided over his case early November. He personally delivered the gift to the registration counter at the Palace Of Justice building in Putrajaya…
“Even My Pen Has A stand” now a “Collector’s Item”
Due to fast selling online order, Zunar’s book “Even My Pen Has A stand” sold out. It wont be reprinted, but will be classified as “Collector’s Item” same class as “Perak Darul Kartun” and “Cartoon O Phobia”.”Pirate of the Carry-BN” still available. Order NOW!!!! before…
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Politik Caca Marba - Kartun2 Era PN
Rated 4.00 out of 5RM30.00 -
Hello Mr. Peng Khia Nutt [Digital Book] RM10.00
Zunar Cartoon Bundle Pack
RM180.00Original price was: RM180.00.RM90.00Current price is: RM90.00. -
Kartun Anti Racism (KAR) RM30.00
[Even My Pen Has A Stand] Black Short Sleeve T-Shirt by Zunar RM30.00
[Even My Pen Has A Stand] White Short Sleeve T-Shirt by Zunar RM30.00