Zunar: Saya dijemput berucap di PBB
Pengumuman: Saya dijemput berucap di PBB Saya ingin mengumumkan bahawa saya dijemput untuk berucap dalam sebuah forum di Bangsa-bangsa-Bersatu (PBB) mengenai hak berkarya pada 6 Mac depan. Forum bertajuk “Defending artistic expression – time for the UN to act” (Melindungi Hak Expresi Artis – Masa…
Zunar: Announcement: I have been invited to speak at the UN
Announcement: I have been invited to speak at the UN I would like to announce that I have been invited as one of the panelists to speak in a forum at the United Nations on March 6th, 2015. The forum titled “Defending Artistic Expression –…
Malaysian cartoonist Zunar, on a speaking tour in England, got word in the early hours of Wednesday, January 28, that his office in Kuala Lumpur was being raided by police. The police questioned Zunar’s staff and confiscated 155 copies of two of the cartoonist’s books — Pirates…
Gross Abuse of Power by Authority Against Cartoonist
Gross Abuse of Power by Authority Against Cartoonist Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) strongly condemns the continuous harassment and gross abuse of power by the police against political cartoonist Zulkifli Anwar Ulhaque, better known by his pen name Zunar. We demand that the police and Home…
Malaysia: Rights Reforms Abandoned
Malaysia: Rights Reforms Abandoned Stop Suppressing Speech, Harassing Groups, Targeting Politicians (New York, January 29, 2015) – Prime Minister Najib Razak abandoned his pledge to revoke Malaysia’s repressive sedition law and oversaw a wave of arrests of opposition politicians and social activists, Human Rights Watch…
(Eng & BM) Zunar’s Statement: Killing of Hebdo’s Cartoonists
English I condemn the killing Hebdo’s cartoonists, 7th January should be declared as “World Cartoonist? Day” I STRONGLY condemn the killing of four cartoonists from the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine. Act of violence, barbarity and brutality are against Islamic teaching. 7th January should be declared…
(BM & ENG) Zunar’s statement: A letter of demand to MolPay
A letter of demand to MolPay to show proof that they did not disclose details of my customers to the police A LETTER of demand was served to MolPay Sdn. Bhd. on 23 December 2014 demanding explanation whether or not they had given details of…
Sebuah NGO yang berpangkalan di Washington, Rangkaian Hak Kartunis Antarabangsa (CRNI) telah melancarkan kempen bagi menyokong kartunis politik Zunar, yang kini menghadapi tekanan baru oleh kerajaan Malaysia di bawah undang-undang drakonian, Akta Hasutan. Termasuk dalam muka surat kempen tersebut ialah berita terbaru mengenai tekanan kerajaan,…
Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI), a Washington-based group who defends cartoonists rights globally has launched a campaign to support political cartoonist, Zunar, who now faces a new battle with the Malaysian government under the draconian law, the Sedition Act. Included in the campaign pages are…
BM and ENG: Zunar’s statement on MOLpay issue
BACKGROUND On 17th November 2014, I received an email from MOLPay indicating that they have received a request from PDRM to reveal the details of my customers who have purchased my book through my website www.zunar.my. The request was in lieu with the police investigation…
Saya disiasat sebagai penjenayah – polis sasar pembeli online saya pula
Saya disiasat sebagai penjenayah – polis sasar pembeli online saya pula Hari ini, saya disiasat selama kira-kira 45 minit oleh polis atas penerbitan buku terbaru, “Komplot Penjarakan Anwar” di balai polis Dang Wangi, Kuala Lumpur. Saya disiasat atas “Seksyen Jenayah Terkelas” melibatkan tiga undang-undang, iaitu:…
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Politik Caca Marba - Kartun2 Era PN
Rated 4.00 out of 5RM30.00 -
Hello Mr. Peng Khia Nutt [Digital Book] RM10.00
Zunar Cartoon Bundle Pack
RM180.00Original price was: RM180.00.RM90.00Current price is: RM90.00. -
Kartun Anti Racism (KAR) RM30.00
[Even My Pen Has A Stand] Black Short Sleeve T-Shirt by Zunar RM30.00
[Even My Pen Has A Stand] White Short Sleeve T-Shirt by Zunar RM30.00