Announcing Cartoon Exhibition in Petaling Jaya, Selangor from 3 Sept – 10 Sept 2016
OVER the years, I have done several exhibitions overseas – namely at the British Cartoon Museum (UK), Malmo (Sweden), Bilbao (Spain), Paris (France), Kentucky (US) and Geneva (Switzerland). I guess now it is the right time to do the same at home.
I hereby would like to announce my special exhibition in Malaysia, with the theme – Cartoons For Rakyat and the title is “Zunar Cartoon @rt PJ.”
The exhibition will be held at Dataran PJ, opposite of Amcorp Mall Shopping Complex, Petaling Jaya from the 3rd of September to 10th of September 2016. Cartoons For Rakyat is an exhibition whereby all artworks will not be displayed in a gallery or an exhibition hall but in an open field instead.
While an indoor exhibition may attract fans and collectors, an outdoor exhibition can provide more access for the public. In other words, while a gallery ‘invites’ people to see the exhibition, a public display ‘comes’ to you instead. This concept suits my objective as a cartoonist – to provide alternative information, stand, direction and of course jokes to the people through my works. Open and public friendly exhibition is more effective and gives more impact for the country, like Malaysia. This concept is inspired by my recent exhibition in Geneva which was held along the lake Lac Leman, organised by Cartooning For Peace Foundation.
20 of my best cartoons have been selected, printed on giant billboards and will be on display.
The subjects will include my view and perception of the 1MDB’s Scandal, GST, Merdeka, the Sedition Act, the domineering wife of the PM, corruption and conspiracies against Anwar Ibrahim.
All are invited for the launch on the 3rd of September, 5pm at the venue. It will be officiated by Selangor State Exco Member, Elizabeth Wong.
I would like to thank the Selangor State Government, Selangor Tourism, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) and members of Kumpulan Kartunis Independen (KKI) for their support for this exhibition.
Political cartoonist
1 Sept 2016
Zunar (Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque) is a political cartoonist from Malaysia. His
slogan is “How Can I be Neutral, Even My Pen Has a Stand”. He is now facing nine charges under Sedition Act and facing possible 43 years jail if found guilty.
He was detained and locked behind bars twice – first time was on September 2010 for two days and then on 10th of February 2015 for three days. Five of his cartoon books have been banned and his office in Kuala Lumpur has been raided a few times and thousands of my cartoon books were confiscated. The printers and bookstores around the country which carry his cartoon works, have been raided and they have also been warned not to print or carry any of his titles. October 2014, three of his assistants were arrested for selling his cartoon books. The webmaster, who manages his website and online bookstore, was called in by the police for interrogating
1. How Can I be Neutral, Even My Pen Has a Stand
2. Talent is not a gift, talent is a responsibility
3. The can ban my books, they can ban my cartoon, but they cannot ban my mind, I will keep drawing until the last drop of my ink
1) “Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award 2011” by Cartoonists Right
Network International
2) “Cartooning For Peace Award 2016” Geneva
3) Human Rights Watch Hellman/Hammett Award for 2011 & 2015
4) International Press Freedom Award, Committee to Protect Journalist, New York 2015
Mengumumkan Pameran Kartun di Petaling Jaya, Selangor dari 3 – 10 Sept
Selama beberapa tahun, saya mengadakan pameran di luar negara seperti di British Cartoon Museum, Malmo (Sweden), Bilbao (Spain), Paris, Kentucky (US) dan Geneva; saya rasa sekarang adalah masa yang sesuai untuk mengadakan pameran serupa di negara sendiri.
Saya dengan ini mengumumkan pameran khas di Malaysia dengan tema – Kartun Untuk Rakyat dan bertajuk “Kartun Zunar @rt PJ.
Pameran ini akan diadakan di Dataran PJ, berhadapan dengan kompleks membeli belah Amcorp Mall dari 3 September hingga 10 September. Dengan konsep “Kartun Untuk Rakyat” bererti karya-karya tersebut tidak akan dipamer di dalam galeri atau dalam dewan pameran, sebaliknya akan diadakan di atas padang terbuka.
Manakala pameran pameran di tempat tertutup boleh menarik peminat dan penggemar seni, pameran di luar boleh memberi lebih banyak ruang akses kepada orang ramai. Dengan lain perkataan, pameran dalam galeri mengundang anda ke sana, sedangkan pameran di luar datang kepada anda. Konsep ini amat sesuai dengan objektif saya sebagai kartunis – untuk memberi informasi alternatif, pendirian, hala tuju dan jenaka kepada orang ramai melalui karya-karya saya. Pameran mesra rakyat seumpama ini lebih berkesan dan akan memberi labih banyak impak untuk negara seperti Malaysia. Stail ini adalah inspirasi dari pameran terbaru saya di Geneva yang diadakan sepanjang tasik Lac Leman yang dianjur oleh Yayasan Cartooning For Peace.
Sebanyak 20 karya-karya terbaik saya akan dicetak diatas billboard besar dan akan dipamer di pameran tersebut. Subjek-subjek termasuk tafsiran dan pandangan saya mengenai Skandal 1MDB, GST, Merdeka, Akta Hasutan, PM dan isteri, rasuah serta konspirasi terhadap Anwar Ibrahim.
Semua dijemput untuk hadir di majlis pelancaran pada 3 September jam 5 petang di tapak pameran tersebut. Perasmian akan disempurnakan oleh Ahli Exco Kerajaan Negeri, Elizabeth Wong.
Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kerajaan Selangor, Selangor Tourism, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) dan ahli-ahli Kumpulan Kartunis Independen (KKI) atas sokongan mereka untuk pameran ini.
Kartunis Politik
1 Sept 2016
Zunar, nama sebenar Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque adalah kartunis politik di Malaysia. Karya-karya beliau memfokus kepada membongkar korupsi, salah laku dan kezaliman pihak pemerintan. Pada 10 Feb 2015, beliau ditangkap dan dimasukkan ke lokap selama tiga hari dan di dakwa ke mahkamah atas sembilan tuduhan di bawah Akta Hasutan kerana mengritik kerajaan dan hakim. Hukuman maksima untuk semua kesalahan ini adalah 43 tahun penjara.
Sebelum itu, pada September 2010, beliau juga pernah ditangkap di bawah undang-undang yang sama.
Selain itu, pemerintah mengharamkan tujuh buku kartun beliau. Pejabat beliau sering diserbu dan ribuan buku kartun dirampas. Pembantu jualan dan pengendali laman web beliau juga ditangkap dan disiasat Pengilang dan pekedai di seluruh Malaysia diugut supaya tidak mencetak dan menjual buku-buku kartun beliau.
1. How Can I be Neutral, Even My Pen Has a Stand
2. Talent is not a gift, talent is a responsibility
3. The can ban my books, they can ban my cartoon, but they cannot ban my mind, I will keep drawing until the last drop of my ink
1) “Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award 2011” by Cartoonists Right
Network International
2) “Cartooning For Peace Award 2016” Geneva
3) Human Rights Watch Hellman/Hammett Award for 2011 & 2015
4) International Press Freedom Award, Committee to Protect Journalist, New York 2015
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Hello Mr. Peng Khia Nutt [Digital Book] RM10.00
Zunar Cartoon Bundle Pack
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Kartun Anti Racism (KAR) RM30.00
[Even My Pen Has A Stand] Black Short Sleeve T-Shirt by Zunar RM30.00
[Even My Pen Has A Stand] White Short Sleeve T-Shirt by Zunar RM30.00