I HEREBY announce the publication of my new cartoon book, “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin”.

Twit-Twit and Cin Cin are two unique, prominent extra characters that appear in my cartoons everyday. Even though they are small in size, but they carry strong reminders to the people in a country dubbed as Kangkong Land. Twit-Twit is a symbol of abuse of power, where as Cin Cin is a symbol of wastage of public funds.

The book consists of 186 cartoons mainly focusing on the 1MDB scandal and RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ in private bank accounts. More importantly, the artworks are a visual language showing the connection between corruption and the rising of  the people’s cost of living.

Among the characters in the book will be Sapuman, Donald Dedak, Mickey MAH, KTN (Ketua Twitter Negara), WCM and Spender Saiful, and all of them live in a town called Putar Jaya.

Most of the artworks in “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin” are collections of my political cartoons that have appeared on the internet and the social media in 2016 and 2017.  The market price for this book is RM26, to mark the RM2.6 billion that went to PM’s personal account.

The launch of “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin” will be held on the 3rd of June 2017 at 2pm at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur.  On the 17th December 2016, more than 1,300 of my cartoon books were confiscated when I was arrested at the same venue. Therefore, only photostate copies of  “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin”  front cover will be sold at the launch this time round. And then I will send the real book to the buyers after the program. For the police, they can seize as many photostat copies as they want, I have no problems with that.

Kindly visit here for Click here, for online purchasing https:/shop/cartoon-books/twit-twit-cincin/

Political cartoonist
30 May 2017


Mengumumkan penerbitan buku kartun baru “TWIT TWIT, CIN CIN”, dan pelancaran secara fotostat

SAYA dengan ini mengumumkan penerbitan buku kartun terbaru berjudul “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin”. Twit-Twit, Cin Cin adalah dua karektor unik yang muncul dalam kartun saya setiap hari. Walau bersaiz kecil, tetapi mereka membawa peringatan yang kuat kepada rakyat negeri “Kangkong Land.” Twit-Twit adalah simbol penyalahgunaan kuasa manakala Cin Cin adalah simbol pembaziran wang rakyat.

Di dalam buku ini, terdapat lebih 186 kartun-kartun yang kebanyakannya memfokus kepada isu Skandal 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion Ringgit “derma” yang masuk ke dalam akaun peribadi. Paling penting, setiap lukisan adalah bahasa visual yang mengaitkan rasuah dengan beban hidup rakyat. Antara watak-watak ialah Sapuman, Donald Dedak, Mickey MAH, KTN (Ketua Twitter Negara), WCM, Spender Saiful dan mereka tinggal di bandar yang bernama, Putar Jaya.

Kebanyakan kartun dalam “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin” adalah karya koleksi yang tersiar dalam internet dan media sosial dalam tahun 2016 dan 2017.  Harga pasaran buku ini adalah RM26, untuk menandakan sejumlah RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi.

Majlis pelancaran “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin” akan diadakan pada 3 Jun, jam 2 petang di Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur.  Disember tahun lepas, lebih 1,300 buku kartun saya dirampas bila polis menangkap saya di lokasi yang sama. Untuk kali ini hanya salinan fotostat cover depan “Twit-Twit, Cin Cin” akan dijual di majlis pelancaran tersebut. Buku sebenar akan di hantar kemudian kepada pembeli. Untuk polis, mereka boleh merampas sebanyak mana salinan fotostat yang mereka mahu, tiada masalah.

Untuk pembelian online, sila layari   https:/shop/cartoon-books/twit-twit-cincin/

Kartunis Politik
30 May 2017

Zunar (Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque) is  a political cartoonist from Malaysia. Through his cartoons, he expose corruption and abuse of power committed by the government of Malaysia. His
slogan is “How Can I be Neutral, Even My Pen Has a Stand”. He was arrested twice on November and December last year. He is now on travel ban. He is also facing nine charges under Sedition Act and facing possible 43 years jail if found guilty.

He was detained and locked behind bars twice first time was on September 2010 for two days and on 10th of February 2015 for three days. Five of his cartoon books have been banned and his office in Kuala Lumpur has been raided a few times and thousands of his cartoon books were confiscated. The printers and bookstores around the country which carry his cartoon works, have been raided and they have also been warned not to print or carry any of his titles. October 2014, three of his assistants were arrested for selling his  cartoon books. The webmaster, who manages his website and online bookstore, was called in by the police for interrogating.

1) 2016 Cartooning for Peace Award
2) “Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award 2011” by Cartoonists Right Network International
3) Human Rights Watch Hellman/Hammett Award for 2011 & 2015
4) International Press Fredom Award, Commitee to Protect Journalist, New York 2015