All my drawings which were exhibited in Penang on 25 November 2016 were confiscated by the police and placed under the police custody for an indefinite amount of time. The loss occured from that is about RM21,000.00.

1. The printing cost for each drawing (4 feet x 6 feet) was at RM800/piece x 20 pieces = RM16,000.00;

2. Steel panels and concrete base for all boards were RM5,000.00.

On 17 December 2016, I organised a fund-raising high-tea in order to get crowd-funding to recover some losses, but I was arrested by the police instead. This time the police confiscated more than 1,000 books which are also placed under the police custody for an indefinite amount of time. The estimated loss is about RM30,000.00.

I lost about RM51,000.00 in three weeks.

Beside that, I also have court cases. The most immediate is to challenge the travel ban imposed on me by the government, which will start on 28 December 2016. Not forgetting the nine (9) sedition charges on 24 January 2017.

I need your support to carry on to draw “Cartoons for the People.” Donations are welcomed through this link: https:/shop/donation/contribute/

or you can contribute me on my Patreon:

or direct to my personal account, as below:

Name: Zulkiflee B SM Anwarul Haque
Bank: Maybank
Account number: 514253508643
KL Main Branch

Swift code MBBEMYKL
Routing Number: 02 600 12 87

Thank you very much for the support

Photos of the happenings