ANNOUNCING: Zunar’s “Cartoon-O-Phobia London Tour” 26 October – 4 November 2015
Zunar’s “Cartoon-O-Phobia London Tour”
26 October – 4 November 2015
The highlight of this tour is my cartoon exhibition at the British Cartoon Museum at 35, Little Russell Street within the heart of Bloomsbury. The exhibition will be launched on 3 November and the works will be showcased for a few months.
Although I have had several exhibitions abroad in the past, including in Bilbao, Kentucky, Florence and London itself, this will be my very first exhibition held in any cartoon museum there is. To have my cartoons exhibited in a cartoon museum at a time where I am facing pressures from the government for my works is genuine encouragement, a tribute I humbly acknowledge and am tremendously grateful for.
I am facing nine charges under the Sedition Act which carries a maximum of 43 years in prison, if I am found guilty. The government has also banned seven of my books and cartoons. Twice, I have been arrested and locked up behind bars.
I will be speaking on “The Art of Fighting Through Cartoons” at the University of Cambridge on 26 October. This event will be held from 5.00pm to 7.00pm in Sidgwick Hall, Newnham College. In addition to the primary session, I will be presenting a slide show on my cartoons and also showcase life drawing afterwards.
On 29 October from 6.00pm to 8.30pm, I will be participating in a forum at Amnesty International UK, Human Rights Action Centre in London. Also on the panel is British Award-winning Cartoonist, Martin Rowson. This forum entitled “Fight Through Cartoon, Even My Pen Has A Stand” is part of the “Write for Rights Campaign 2015” by Amnesty International. On 2 October, Amnesty International announced that they have selected me as the first Malaysian ever to be highlighted in this annual campaign.
Next, on 31 October, I will be speaking on the topic, “Cartoon-O-Phobia: Freedom Through Activism” at the SOAS University of London. This speaking engagement will take place from 3.00pm to 5.00pm in Room 116, SOAS, University of London Main Building, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square.
I will also host a Q&A session on the state of politics and freedom of expression to Malaysians in Zurich. This will be held on 25 October at 12.00noon to 4.00pm at Limattalsrasse 168/170.8046 in Zürich.
Zunar’s “Cartoon-O-Phobia London Tour” is organised by SUARAM International, Global Net, Amnesty UK, Southeast Asian Arts Festival and Index on Censorship.
I hope this exhibition and tour will create awareness on the real state of affairs and the serious limitations that exist in Malaysia where freedom of expression, freedom of the media and human rights are concerned.
Political Cartoonist
22 October 2015
Mengumumkan Zunar’s “Cartoon-O-Phobia London Tour” 26 Oct – 4 Nov 2014
Saya dengan ini mengumumkan Cartoon Tour (Kembara kartun) ke London bertema “Cartoon-O-Phobia” bermula dari 26 Okt hingga 4 Nov 2015. Kemuncak pada kembara ini adalah pameran kartun saya di British Cartoon Museum di Bloomsbury Street. Ia akan dilancarkan pada 3 November dan karya-karya tersebut akan dipamer di sana untuk beberapa bulan. Walau sebelum ini saya pernah mengadakan beberapa pameran di luar negara termasuk di Bilbao, Kentucky, Florence dan London sendiri, tetapi ini adalah pameran pertama bagi saya untuk mana-mana kartun muzium. Bagi saya, pameran di muzium kartun satu penghormatan dan pemberi semangat di saat saya berhadapan berbagai tekanan dari kerajaan Malaysia.
Saya juga sedang menghadapi sembilan tuduhan di bawah Akta Hasutan yang membawa hukuman 43 tahun penjara maksima jika didapati bersalah. Kerajan juga mengharamkan tujuh buku kartun saya dan telah dua kali menangkap dan melokapkan saya.
Saya juga akan berucap di University of Cambridge pada 26 Okt dengan tema “The Art of Fighting Through Cartoons.” Ia akan diadakan pada jam 5-7 petang di Sidgwick Hall,
Newnham College. Selain berucap, saya juga akan membentangkan slide show mengenai kartun saya dan juga mengadakan life drawing. Seterus saya akan berucap di SOAS University dengan tema “Cartoon-O-Phobia-
Freedom Through Artivism”. Ia akan diadakan pada 31 Oct, 3-5 petang bertempat di Room 116, SOAS’s main building,
Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square.
Manakala pada 29 Oct dari jam 6:00 – 8:30 petang, saya akan mengambil bahagian dalam forum di Amnesty International UK dengan tema “Fight Through Cartoon, Even my Pen has a Stand” bertempat di Amnesty International UK,
Human Rights Action Centre
London EC2A 3EA. Ia adalah sebahagian dari kempen “Write For Right 2015” oleh badan hak asasi itu. Pada 2 Oktober lepas, Amnesty International mengumumkan saya sebagai satu-satunya rakyat Malaysia yang dipilih dalam kempen tersebut. Turut bersama sebagai panel dalam forum tersebut ialah Award Wining British Cartoonist, Martin Rowson.
Saya juga akan mengadakan sesi penerangan dan soal jawab mengenai keadaan kebebasan bersuara dan politik kepada rakyat Malaysia di Zurich. Ia akan diadakan pada 25 Oktober jam 12 tengah hari hingga 4 petang bertempat di Limattalsrasse 168/170,8046 Zürich.
Zunar’s “Cartoon-O-Phobia London Tour” dianjur oleh SUARAM International, Global Bersih, Amnesty UK,
Southeast Asian Arts Festival dan Index of Sensorship.
Saya berharap kembara dan pameran ini akan dapat memberi lebih banyak kesedaran kepada masyarakat antarabangsa mengenai keadaan sebenar kesempitan kebebasan bersuara, kebebasan media dan hak asasi di Malaysia.
Kartunis Politik
22 Oct 2015
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